An efficient gutter system can prevent roof damage, basement flooding and foundation problems. While their primary role is to provide water damage protection, they are not immune to the elements. High winds are a common threat to your gutters.
A local roofing installation contractor explains how winds can harm your gutters.
Poorly installed and aging gutter systems are more likely to sag or detach from homes during storms. Severe weather can also cause your gutters to shift back and forth. Metal fatigue can occur due to constant gutter movement. When this happens, the gutter material will start to crack, and the screws or nails securing the system can deteriorate.
The impact of wind isn’t the only thing that can harm your gutters. High winds can carry debris that can hit and damage your gutters. Minor dents can form due to small windborne debris, while larger objects can cause the system to pull away from your home.
If you see signs of damage on your gutters, contact professionals immediately. Get repairs right away if your contractor detects issues. A proactive approach toward your gutter system can contribute to its longevity. At Advanced Roofing Inc., we’re here to assist with your home’s gutter and roofing needs. We also offer commercial flat roof repair and replacement services.
One of the best ways to protect your gutters from the effects of high winds is to trim nearby trees regularly. It will also help keep other home exterior components safe during weather extremes, including the roof, windows, doors and siding. Ideally, trees should be at least 2 feet away from your house in all directions.
Turn to Advanced Roofing Inc. for reliable residential and commercial roofing services. If you have queries about your roof replacement or emergency roof repair cost, our team is more than happy to assist. Call us at (630) 521-3573 or complete our online form to get a free quote. We work with clients in Plainfield, IL, and nearby areas.
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